Our latest family photo! J and Baby Girl (who still doesn't have a name! We just can't decide on all the great names out there! :) ), Elle pup, and Steve!
We are at 26 weeks and are just having so much fun with this stage. Baby V. has taken to large enough kicks to be seen from the outside! She kicks mostly for Grandma Char who J sounds alot alike so it's like hearing Mommy in stereo! She kicked this weekend for Grandma Carol, and just this morning she was clearly practicing her budding drummer skills for Daddy. We are just loving this!
We are happy to report that we chose our hospital and our new midwife that is "hospital worthy." We have chosen Spectrum Health. Although J got her stomach caught in her chest when they showed the stirrups she was relieved to see the birthing ball, the birthing chair and the jacuzzi tubs. Whew!
Our new midwife is MaryAnne George. Her and Dr. Leazenby, whom she works with, are both committed to care of the whole person. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, economically, and socially. We like that! She is our advocate for our desires for a natural birth, but is also skilled if we are part of that group that needs emergency care during labor. And let's face it! It happens! We are still putting out as many smooth baby ride vibes that we can, but are feeling more and more at peace with the way the road has lead us. Granted, we are still frusturated that we can't dictate where our health dollars go like everyone else does with their ability to go their doctor and get the medications they need, but we aren't dwelling on that anymore. Clearly our last entry was a passionate in the moment frusturation with the system.
Steve and J are plugging away at the mortgage issue, but options are revealing themselves here and there which is good. We're just trying to be patient to see which is the right one.
We hope all is well in cyber land with you all.
We love you!