(Celia at the Green Food Bluegrass Festival on her birthday weekend)
The day has come and gone: Little Miss Celia has turned TWO!
We had her party on her birthday, the 18th, at a local park in 57 degree weather! With coats donned, our families braved the chill, eating pizza and salad and cake with a little swinging and sliding in between.
Since Celia was born on the 18th, we have decided to list the 18 things Celia is doing or loves at this age of TWO mixed in with pictures of her birthday party:
1. POTTY TRAINED! She started it almost on her own the week Miles was born and although I thought it was horrible timing, we went with it and now she is almost 100 percent, even out at the store! I LOVE not have diaper boxing 101 with her.
2. FULL SENTENCES! It amazes us and cracks us up to hear her finally speaking and chattering on so to, well, anyone that will listen. Her biggest sentence has been, "Mama, Miles, upstairs taking bath."
The sandbox from Nana Char and George
3. MAMA CELIA. She has very much taken to her new little brother and has clearly watched her own Mama and mimics her with her stuffed duck, "Quack Quack", and stuffed lion, "Mama Kitty."
4. SHE KNOWS HER BOOKS. She has started to memorize stories and can tell you what each page is saying and even what certain words are.
5. BOUNCER! This kid can't stop bouncing. After 2 falls off of the big parents bed, she has been demoted to floor jumping until now. For her birthday mama and daddy bought her a bounce house.
6. MILES' BIGGEST FAN. She has to kiss Miles goodnight and good morning and if Miles is awake she will take any chance to run over and touch his nose with her nose.
7. TEMPER WITH A SWEET TWIST. You wouldn't think parents would enjoy a temper. But we must be honest, it cracks us up sometimes. Sometimes she'll scream what she wants, ("MORE CHERRIES! MORE CHERRIES!") and if we say, "Celia that is not the way you ask." She'll scream back, "MORE CHERRIES, PLLLLLEEEEEEEAAASSSE!"
Andy Sheneman and Riley
8. FOOD EXTRAORDINAIRE. She still to this day will try anything. This must be how she likes kalamata olives, fish with mayo and radishes.
9. SLEEPER. She sleeps so good and is like clock work. A patterned Mama LOVES this. 11 hrs at night and 3ish for a nap! Our payment for not sleeping through the night until she was 10 months old.
Cousin Breanna, Grandma Carol, Riley and Nana Char with Celia
10. GARDENER. She loves to pick things in the garden and eat them, dirt and all!
Ariel LeBlanc.
11. PHOTOS. She loves to look through photo albums and name everyone!
12. NANA CHAR AND DADDY RULE. J's hypothesis on why Celia is taking to Miles SO well is because of these two. She is so loved and has such love for these two that busy Mama doesn't feel like such a loss to her because these two are as much of a light as Mama ever was.
13. UNDERWEAR AS HATS It is so funny, but we let her wear her underwear and her shorts as hats on her head. Why not!?
14. FARM TIME. Celia loves going to the farm. She'll stand and watch the cows and is always on the look out for "Kitty" whom she met in June.
15. RIVERS AND LAKES. Celia LOVES water! She asks to go to the river by our house every walk and she just wants to sit there and stare at it. And she loves lake Michigan.
16. FANTASIA. Our goal was to not have TV around Celia for her 1st two years of life and then minimally after that. We succeeded except she watched Pooh during her illnesses and has now become fascinated with Fantasia. She can tell you "Beethoven" wrote her favorite part with the "hoe-see's." (horses)
17. RILEY. Celia loves her cousin Riley. "Ra-Ra" and Celia play almost weekly and I think may have a Jeannie and Sunny thing going on in their future.
18. CHALK. She has taken to drawing and painting. She can get lost for a good 30-40 minutes.
Celia lady, we love you so.