Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Wonder of it All

So who does Celia look like at 9 wks?

We think it's rather obvious :)


Or Dad?


Anonymous said...

I vote... MOM. :)

Binne77 said...

This is such a cop-out answer, but I can see BOTH of you in her, easily. She has your eyes Jeannie, for sure. That's the best part anyway. *neener neener, Steve* ;-p


Dave said...

depends on the lighting and the angle :)

Holly said...

I say she is a little Jean Bean through and through!! I can't wait to see that baby!!

pelletrio said...

So happy for you two... I think she looks like her momma...

Sunny said...

She definitely looks like Jeannie. Those bright blue eyes and delicate features cannot be denied. But I do see a bit of Dad in her. You can already tell she's a daddy's girl. Love the pictures. Keep em coming!