Thursday, January 24, 2008

6 Month Celia

Celia has officially passed her first 1/2 year of life! And just two days after her 6 month milestone, she cut 2 teeth at the same time! Happy Birthday, little one! She's handling the pain pretty well. She's been enjoying frozen washcloths, her wooden toys and the foot of a toy giraffe to help her gnaw through the newness. Along with teeth, Celia has been sitting up on her own for over a month now! Her favorite past time again are those wooden blocks! Loves it! She has also found a new joy: the doorway bouncer. Seriously, she thinks this is the best fun created. Just watch:

Much to Mom and Dad's dismay, we still can not report very good night sleep. UG! She is eating every 4 hrs, sometimes 3, and we are in the process of figuring out if she actually IS hungry or just needs some cuddling. Needless to say, we are very tired and are looking towards the horizon for some much needed reprieve. We can not explain, although most of you parents know, how brillant it is to watch her expand and grow and take in this thing we called life. She's so aware and curious and absolutely sparkles when newness comes. Ah, if only we all could be like a 6 month old.


Sunny said...

I'm sorry I missed your 6 month birthday Celia. I realized yesterday that I'd missed it. :( Two teeth! Way to go little girl! Now the fun begins! Jeannie I feel your conflict on the waking up all night. Hyrum was awake every other hour last night. Clearly he doesn't need to nurse that much but will not go back to sleep without it. I can't just let him cry in the middle of the night in an apartment although he's so tired that he'd probably not cry that long...Not an easy answer. I hope she starts sleeping well for you soon.:)

Nikki said...

I hate to break it to you but I don't know that the sleep deprivation ever completely goes away. My kids are 3-11 and I'm still up- late, early ,in the middle of the night. But instead of nursing it's the bathroom, a bad dream, homework late at night or early in the morning. Ugh!
Celia is so pretty Jeannie! So sweet! Enjoy the baby stages!