Friday, December 28, 2007

Food, Glorious Food!

Well, Celia has entered the land of the eaters.

For weeks now I have felt in my gut that she was ready for solids. She was never satisfied after breastfeeding, always was reaching for my food and drinks, not to mention she began to fuss everytime I made lunch or dinner... hmmm... so today was her big day! Well, I've been giving her bites of mashed bananas for around a week -- here's that video.

and today was rice cereal day. Look at the champ go!

Soon we'll post our holiday fun! Hope you all had a blissful season.


Sunny said...

Yea Celia! Way to eat little one! Hyrum is a fan of bananas too. You just attacked the spoon like crazy. Doesn't your mom feed you? :) What a big girl. Welcome to the solids club. Watch out mom and dad for the change in the dirty diapers. Whoo!

Binne77 said...

So cute and great video's! Feed her for pete's sake...a woman who knows what she likes. :-)